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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Davis

KEEP OUT! Making sure you aren't disturbed while getting ready

Wedding days can be very exciting, and sometimes when people get excited, they forget about social norms. This can be especially true for family members who feel like they have some sort of privilege when it comes to gaining access to the happy couple. Unless you are one of those people with no problem having their personal space invaded unannounced, you might want to take precautions against unexpected or even unwelcome visitors.

Guard Dog

Do you have a friend that has no problem speaking their mind? Or maybe someone who is a master diplomat? Unless they have another job on your wedding day, consider giving them the job of the Guard Dog. It seems like a thankless job, turning people away who only want a peek or a quick word, but it can make a huge difference in the amount of stress or time wasted while getting ready.

Remember, everyone will "know the bride," because they were invited. It doesn't permit them to barge in.


If the entrance to your prep space has a door with a lock, use it. Again, this may seem rude to keep everyone out, but a locked door will give you a chance to vet anyone wanting to come in. Even if you have a Guard Dog, a locked door will give them a chance to help with other things, like lacing up a dress or tying a tie.

Location: Classified

In the case of outdoor weddings or venues without a dedicated space for getting ready, having your prep location secret will help in avoiding unwanted visitors. Be sure to communicate the location only to those that need to know, and make them aware that it is not to be shared.

You on the List?

If there will be a lot of in and out of your prep space, consider making a list of those allowed. This can be handed off to the Guard Dog, photographer, and/or coordinator. I would also suggest adding photos to help ID quickly.

In some cases, it might be necessary to create a Blacklist of guests or family members you would like kept away. I hope you wouldn't invite any guests you didn't like, but sometimes there's that one cousin who hits the champagne a little too early and forgets how to behave.

Digital Intrusions

Sure, the odd person trying to get their foot in the door can be an annoyance, but what about your phone? Whether it's well wishes, notifications of social media posts, or calls for help, your phone could very well provide a huge intrusion into your space. Consider having a middle man filter out all the noise. If your day has been planned right, you shouldn't have any calls or texts to make or answer. If you are worried about vendors or helpers calling, give them the number of your coordinator or venue manager ahead of time.

Needing to make sure your wedding day goes smoothly? Contact me about Wedding Coordination, remember, all consultations are free!

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